

    Music is what makes you move
Music is what makes you groove
Music can be good or bad depending on how its used
Music can make you choose different clothes to wear
Music can make you change your hair
Music can make you choose new friends
Music can make you want to dance
Music can make you fight
Music can make everything alright
Music can take care of you when your alone
Music can make everything feel like home
Music can harm and take away
Music can make you want to stay
Music is the only friend I have
Music is my mom and dad
Music is what keeps me alive
When I feel like I can't survive Music

GOD ~ will always stay beside with u ~

God never gives you "impossible" tasks.
He gives you challenges he knows you are able to overcome.
Maybe he knows that you are a strong enough person to overcome this obstacle.
He knows you are a strong willed human being.
For you were created by him, and he is the one who will help you through it.
Be Strong! :) Hope everything turns out for the better.



~Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris ~New Campus at Proton City


just use boiling water to cook 
a such delicious MEE 
cause MUM say Maggi is not gud for health 
so i need to change to


you are Hydrogen and i am Oxygen ~
we mix together to form Hydrogen oxide ~
every seconds, every minutes, every hours, everyday~
we travel together ~
air ~ water ~ solid~
and never separate ~

you walk i walk ~

i hope we no using displacement ~
so that we have more time together ~
you run i run ~
when suddenly a love force come to me ~
we collide and couple together forever ~
same with inelastic collision~

u are my heart ~
without u ~
my red blood cannot tranfer oxygen to all part body~
u are my lung ~
without u i cannot have a fresh air in my life ~
In short ~ without ~ i cannot live ~

LOVE same like a math question ~
when facing the problem ~
need use the formula ~
step by step to slove it ~
need patient, rational and responsible to it ~
cannot jump step ~
if not ~u will getting in a trouble ~

nothing to do ~ just write ~ now i try my best to love science and math ~

History is not difficult ~ is all about love

LOVE you like having a war ~
VS with other boys~
I need to be brave and be strong~
no matter who and where ~
no matter how and why ~
just stand to the front ~
and say I love U ~
our love story is start ~

after few 100 year ~
whatever "abad" or "masihi "~
our love is like a lock without key ~
no one can separate u and me ~

phycis is a part of life ~

in physic ~ stress ~ is the ratio of the outside applied force, which tends cause a distortionm to the area over which the force acts... ==
but now i feel stress~ like the outside applied force ( final exam,test , coursework marks) ~ but when i using the formula to calculate my "stress"~ the answer is MATH ERROR~why??????

using the formula:
stress = applied force / area over which the force acts


Search a "Green" FOod

 This is the food i search for a long time everyday in this area ---Tanjung Malim or Taman Betara...

cause in tis area you want find a green fresh vegetables is so difficult and hard.... but when hari bulan puasa, the Hostel Kafeteria have a new chef and new recipes for the Economic Rice...                  

This is the food that i most like ~ see one time, buy one time~ and have my lunch and dinner in my room ~ hihihi~


2days Not stay in KHAR

11/8 and 12/8 are the special days for me ....why ? cause my brother bring me and mugugu to his house and go to the INDIAN PRAYER ... tis is the new experience to me~ the purpose i go cause i was interesting for the indian calture...

11/8 ~ Tamil ( my brother) come to my hostel to bring mugugu and me to go his house first...inside the car got another big brother , Nazran, 25 year olds, primary english teacher at Selayang... he is a nice person...after reach Tamil's house, i meet his mother, real brother, real sister and a black cute dog.
They are so friendly to me and mugugu ...and always use the short sentences " janganlah macam tu"
hihi ~

Tamil's mother cook----so delicious cause i so long time at my hostel can't taste the real indian curry ... and i take 2 plate rice...hahaha...^^ after taking dinner, Tamil busy to prepare the prayer things , so tamil's sister bring mugu and me go to the longest pasar at selangor ...there are so many foods, bags and other else... mugu buy a roti john and i but some Chinese food to eat...

11pm, tamil's sister bring mugu and me go to the prayer...12pm the prayer start...
the Indian temple is at the small hell ~ there are so dark... and i start to feel scare cause don know they want bring mugu and me to where... when i reach the temple, the are many uncle there ... and i stand beside and see them to pray... but Tamil say never mind...just join ...then i also join...the most interesting part is when the god go in to the one of the uncles part ... we all are so quiet and the environment so dark... next i also go ask the god something... and the god say in tamil ...while i say in english ... and the Tamil ( my brother ) need to be the Interpreter to translate all the conservation between me and the god...

Next , the use a live kampung chicken to pray and need to kill the chicken...after tat need to cook and pray the god... the prayer until 4 o' clock ~ we cook the curry chicken and eat at there ... they prepare the rice, noodles and drink ...so nice ~ tis is my first day so late sleep and lepak wif my friends...

12/8 ~ we sleep until 10 o'clock, after tat need to go to temple to pray again ~ they got prepare many food to serve all the people who come ... there is unlimited to eat ...hahaha~
so nice the food ... so long time no try unlimited eating...
 lastly, i also help them to clean up the place... walk up and walk down ~ my fat all burn already ~ and need to take the big big periuk and other go down the temple to the lori...

night~ we go to the biggest shopping mall ~ Setia Mall ~ we go there to shopping and take our dinner ... Tamil and Nazran belanja me and mugu roti boy and McD burger ... hahaha~ thankyou ~

tis two days i so happy ~ although i dunno the tamil language, but from the body language i can knw what u all talking about ... tis is the best experience to me ~ tq Tamil ~ cause giving a chance to knw the indian culture ... thank you very much...


~Welcome to my life ~

To be hurt, to feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around

To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life :')


Special thanks to our Miss Pandelela for winning us a historic bronze medal in the Women's 10m Platform final...Feel touched when she is standing right up there... ~ press like~ Malaysia Super girl ~ 

My Life~ i am not a rotten apple

A boy is born in a well off family ... 
His father not the high education person but he know that education can change the life in the further...So,the boy 3 year old already starting his education in the kindergarten...

The first day the boy step in the kindergarten, he saw one of the teacher that teaching Melay subject was scolding a child... the teacher was using a long white plastic cane to punish the child and until the plastic cane break but the teacher continues punish , the child's hand become red color...from that time the boy feel afraid     and cannot study well in the kindergarten...for example ... a simple Melay word he also cannot spell...
H-A-R-I-M-A-U ...and until primary school , the result for the Melay subject just like a shit....standard 5 fail 3times...

Teacher : "M-O-O-N --- Moon..." 
A small boy: " M-u-u-n..."
Teacher : " why you so stupid, just the easy word you also cannot pronounce well the word." 
The teacher getting angry and angry ...and scold the boy, pull the boy's ear, pull the boy's cheek...the boy was sad and cry when after the tuition...the boy start hate the teacher...hate the subject...and the result in the school exam become worse and worse...

After that , when the boy go to the primary school, the result from the good become the worse, in class his result  is the second counting from the back...OMG... plus his mother is the school teacher , so the teacher start laugh at the boy and say to the boy ..."Your mum is teacher, why you so stupid and like the pig ..." 
and my best friends start to ignore me,  the girls in the class start to laugh at me...
from that time, the boy say to himself" i am not the rotten apple ... i want be the smart be the best , although i am not the number one , but i want be the best ..."

That time~ That moment~ no game no TV...  the boy become more hardworking and start the war with himself ....

In the toilet, the boy start to learn how to pronounce the words will seeing the mirror...and everyday the boy is doing the tongue exercises...
In his room , he does his  homework, revision, reading  the story books...
In class, he concentrate and pay the full attention to the teacher when he or she is teaching...
 He start to learn the communicate skills and be friendly to all teacher and friends...

At standard six, the boy become the chairman of the prefect in the school and the boy getting the 4 A in his UPSR... but he is so sad cause other teacher's son and daughter get 7 A in the UPSR...haiz...

and in this boy's eyes, the 4A is the rotten apple cause he make shame to his mother ...sorry mum...

In the boy's primary school life... he got play squash... but he is the most fat in the squash group...
every times practices, the count will scold this boy why cannot run to hit the ball, when u wan keep fit ,when u ...every times practices every times cry... in the squash group everyone look down to this boy... 
the boy was feeling sad and  want to give up ... but he know that if he know give up , everyone still look down to him... so he start to watch how other play and record in the mind all the step...and every time in the match, the boy start using the skill and technique to play ...and in his secondary school he is success and become the wakil daerah...

In his secondary school, he do everything such as the project , he want be the best and get the high marks... Besides, he attend many competition and get the prizes... and there are many teachers good to this boy ~ like friend relationship~ when the boy or teacher facing each other...they talk to each other and give some advice to each other...In the other hand, there are people start ignore this boy and start talk something behind him... but he dun care... remember one time, because one of his friend misunderstand him and write all the bad things bad words in the black board in class, but he dun care ...hihi ~ from tat day he and his friend no talk to each other...'

In form 1 to form 3, hemeet all the good teachers ... the teacher teach me do not hard work but smart work...such as  doing the mind mapping, the way you can memorize all the point, the way u think and read....and this boy getting 6A in my PMR...hihi ~ 6/8 ~ for him is good already ~ 

form 4, his chemistry result is 44% ...is fail...omg ~ until now he also can remember... and his add math is 45% pass but beside fail...
he don't like math and science subjects...but he  know he got taking these subjects in SPM... and he need to love this subjects although he don't like it....i try my best...doing all revision...doing group study...all other else...and he get 5 post in the school ~ 2 chairman and 3 treasurer...

In SPM  he get 7A only ,  dun know this result consider good or bad... 
cause he apply many scholarship also cannot get...such as IPG, Matrik, almost the government scholarship cannot get...
but for the private, he receive so many like KDU, KBU, Taylor, Nilai, Utar , UniKL....they giving the 80% scholarship above ~ some is 100% 

but he dun wan , cause he just want to be a teacher, so he waiting for my IPG (maktab)...get interview but didn't get...from Jan wait until Jun ...all just a white paper... he heart broken,and he feel the god no open any door to him... the last choice is form 6 ... first  he get the science in form 6 , but he want change to kemanusiaan, the principal say cannot ... and say " your science and math is good, why don't study science in form 6 ?... 4 or 5 times he go to the school to change the principal of the school also dun wan sign for me... lastly she sign to me... and i study my Kemanusian one week later, he get Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, IPTA , he feel so happy and like getting the lottery ticket... and now he is so happy when he come here... although got little bit homesick...

Who say a rotten apple cannot be a fresh apple...
although i am the rotten apple but inside got the good seeds, just need the time to start a new life and  grow up ... and you will see on the trees there are many fresh apple...
so in this world... no rotten apple ... if your work hard and work smart...

and my lovely teachers and all my friends who wan be a teacher, please dun say your students stupid and like a pig...everyone have their own potential...nowadays, be a teacher just not talk and chalk , need to communicate with your students, and guide your students to the right ways... when a students ask you something dun just reply a short word only ~try your best to give more information, idea , opinion to your students... 

thank you ~ 



a special world for you and me 
i love u more than i  like u 

a special moment for you and me 
you and me search for a lifetime 

a special kiss for you and me 
you and me together forever 

I love the way        you look at me 
I love the way you  show your care 
I love the way u calling my name 
I love the way u make happy 
I love that you are with me 
In this special  world
where we are belong 



                                     So long i no eat sushi ...i miss u ...
                                 my plan when this HARI RAYA go back ...
1. Sushi king 
2. secret resipi 
3. CHat Time
4. BBQ
5. steamboat 
and last + important one is Dad, MUM and grandmother cook ~!!!!


We came into the world naked , we will leave as how we first stepped in...
This is an undeniable facet that each of us must learn to accept , understand,and then realize.
We will never be able to bring anything from the world away with us once we passed on. not money, not wealth, not fame, not power, neither honour nor authority. But we all have something to leave behind. that is love, care,hope for the generation to come, and improvement in the world.


OMG !!!!!!!!!!!

when i see her online in facebook  , i so surprise...
when i say hello to her in the chat box...
waiting her to reply...
wait until sad...
and want to BOM the computer...><


In the afternoon,  the weather was so hot ... What dreadful hot weather we have in the tanjong malim! i was sweating and feel uncomfortable ....
 In the class, the weather start change ... look like want to rain ...i can hear the thunder... my BM lecture say it was the ---bunyi perut cause puasa....everyone laugh ~

 finally, it was raining ....
Here weather sometimes is very very hot ; sometimes is very very cold ~
and now i feel so cold and after my dinner i wan take a nap ~ hihi ~^^

a video with my GENG

Still in the game

YES or NO , or else You Dun Know ....
This a game ~ wif the BIG GOD...
The GOD give you the choice to choose
which door u want to open ;
which road u want to go;
after you choose , the BIG GOD will give you a pen and a paper to start to write, draw or color your life...

and the BIG GOD give me a letter ...

You must try to solve all the problem you face in the life ...
You must be rational to take the decision...
You must have your own target ...
and Work smart and not Work hard...

Believe me, My Son, in your life u will meet a good girl...and now is the time you concentrate in your study...  ...

A boy secret

Yes, I am Single ~      

Waiting a moment like this...

   but until now , still a single ...
but i am not alone....

 cause my friends always with me .....1 Malaysia Geng!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            and i love myself so much ....


GOOD Morning ~ let start a nice day with this picture~ and here's wishing you, rise and shine to bright and sunny day ~

Today, i wake up at 8.00am, actually i want wake up early ~ 6.30am to study my Bahasa Melayu cause got Quiz today. But wake up late , cause just now i am dreaming someone. I dream someone start to talk to me, eat our lunch together and so on . When i wake up , that just a dream and the dream gone....

lastly, i hope i and u , one day... can laughing, joking in the midst of a romantic song......


and give yourself permission to envision a You that you choose to be.

Everyone ~ GOod NighT

                          form: bomber


future = unknown

now i am worry about my future~
don know what will happen
what trouble i will face
what result i will get
where i will go~
i scare........
i afraid........
i fear........
 Nervous ~
in short ~ life is unknown~

Lee Chong Wei ~ MaLaYsia SuPerMaN

Doto Lee Chong Wei, your are my country, Malaysia's Superman ~ 

Because of you, the Malaysian flag for the first time raised in the London Olympics.
Because of you, Malaysia scored a first side of the London Olympic Games silver medal.
Because of you, the people of Malaysia unite to cheer for you.
Because of you, the people of Malaysia proud.
Because of you, everyone know the country --- Malaysia~ 


I am I

I am I , I am Bomberman Lim....now i study in Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris~
I like smiling to all my lecture and friends, i also dun know why ? i just knw that if i happy, they also happy~
I dun like the alcohol drink and i hate the cigarette ~ because it bring bad effect to the human ~
I mostly spend my time is study and reading ~ i dun like reading the novel ,but i like reading article or essay ~
My hobby are playing squash, drawing, gardening, reading , writing,cooking and sleeping~
The food that I like the most is Sushi, cheese cake, and KFC, Pizzahut and other else ~
The Fruit that i like the most is apple, especially the FUJI china apples, so delicious~
My ambition is be a teacher ~ i like teaching and sharing the information that i have ~
The subjects that I like when i was secondary school are history and geografi ~
The subjects that i hate is science and math ~ but now i taking the course diploma Science (math) ~ haiz ~
So, now u know who am i ~ i am BOMBERMAN LIM ~


FOOD at tanjong malim

At here Tanjong Malin ~i hard for me to find a food tat suitable for me to eat ~ 

1.here~ many food are chicken  ~ (what chicken  ?) 
> red curry chicken 
>green curry chicken 
>yellow curry chicken 
>fry chicken 
> fried rempah chicken 
and other else.....

2. here ~ many type of fried rice ~ 
and other else .... (30 type above) 

haiz ~ here so hard for u to find a green color vegetable and fish ~ MUM ~ i miss home food ~ so when i go back ~ hope u can prepare me the delicious foods ~ and pls don't cook chicken and fried rice to me ~ i hate it so much ~ muck ~!!!!! 


Today i having my chemistry test. Yesterday night, i was busy to study the Chemistry and i feeling stress + panic, cause all the chemistry formula i haven't memorize yet....i cannot sleep well whole night....and today when i get the chemistry test paper, and i open it, omg ~ so easy ~ easy as ABC ~ i was so confident to finish my chemistry test!!!!!!!!!!

After the test, i wif my "girl" friends--- Mic , Melia, Mok, Xindy go to the PEKAN to take our lunch ~ After taking our lunch,  we window shopping ~ but in tis "group" i just the boy, so need to follow the GIRLs go to the shop tat sell shoes,bag and other else ~ (like following my MUM go to shopping...)

Next, i go to KTM to change my train tiket ...why ? cause i so miss home and having homesick now....so i change my tiket form 18 to 16/8 ~ can go back early ~ to having my holidays with my family and old friends ~ so nice ~ (dreaming....)

Plus ~ today i so tired ~ cause form 11am to 3 pm ~ i walk and walk and walk ~ omg ~ i lose my weight already !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1



east or west , the home is the best 
small home big home
poor family rich family 
home sweet home'

i miss home ,
i miss u,my  dad, mum lovely sister, and my cute dog 
i miss u, my plants 
i miss u, my kitchen, my oven, my :bread machine 
i miss u, my bed 
i miss u all ~ i wan to cry now  :( 


this page is special for a person,

He, 20 years old, Indian, because his Stpm result is not so good , so he come to the diploma... the first day, i meet him , he is so friendly,talkative, kind people... and he also like to share his story ~ especially the love story and Starbuck working experience~

He, like to say ~Amboi, my baby~ this is the short sentences he like to say, and he is good in motivate.....when he is here , he bring geng limau to lepak at the LONGKANG , and always having our dinner at cili padi 

He, got a Nokia phone, and have a free map to search , so he always search and say wan to bring us go where ~ go where~ 

He,  is good in chemistry and math , he got many idea , knowledge and information in his mind .... before tat i  say to the Big God ~ why a such good guy after his STPM ~ and just open the diploma door to him~ why ~

the God is coming to him ( JULAI 2nd week) ~ My son, sorry i'm late, tis is the window i open to u~ 

so lucky ~ he get degree in his favorite subject he like ~ 
but a bad day is coming to me ~ he leaving UPSI ~ 
i cry~ and tis day is unforgettable for me ~ bad Tuesday ~ 
a whole weeks ~ i cannot sleep well ~ because of u 

wish u having a nice life in yr UKM ~ ~ my Brother ~ Tamil ~ 


Here, i meet many friends, got Melay, Chinese , India and many other race, furthermore they are form other place like Sabah, Sarawak, Kedah, Perak ,Pahang and other else.....

firstly, i would introduce to you ~ my roommate---douglas 
haha~"Rommate" ~ mostly people will think relationship for roommate is better than a friends, cause mostly the times will in the room, chat with each other~ talk about everything....haha! you are wrong, exactly wrong... mostly in room, we no talk to each other, just sometimes we talk ... we always using the facebook to chat ...quick interesting right? He like to dances, listening to the K-POP and sleeping ~ ^^ 

next, because of douglas , i meet a Geng Limau~ the special geng i haven meet before .....

inside his blog....he write this...
Lennon , The sorta Trouble Maker.
Mugu , The Tall Indian Guy. Ya, taller than me, obviously.
Tamil ? Tamel? I Dont really know how to spell his name. He's the oldest among all of us and he leave us....
Jehan , An indian who converted to Muslim, A Nice outgoing girl !
Melin , At first i thought MERLIN. yet she corrected me , Nice name she had there.
Azam... an melay boy, like the korean song, drama so much
Last but not least , Imelda , The sarawakian , my classmate . She's totally a Writer.
 ( haha... i lazy to write, so just copy form his blog)
Geng Limau , special Group ~ 1 Malaysia 

After that , i meet a team of Girls ~ 
Michelle ~ a old young lady ~ and she always call me hamburger 
summer Yee~ when she talk ~ i will feel very very funny ~ cause the "sound" when she talk 
melia ~ a mature girl, have a rasional thinking 
cyntia ~ everytime talking without thinking 
xindy ~ a girl tat very very nice and polite 
nicol ~ just meet her 2 times
jonna~ always seem like so tired and sick 
so happy to meet u all ~ ^^ 

lastly ~ is my housemates~ 
i have a nice housemates such as syamsul, pali, syed , and jay jay~they all so nice to me ~ and we also having "meeting" every night ~

and ~ all the Friends at the KHAR ~ muslim or non muslim ~ older me or smaller than  me ~ u all are my best best best best best friends ~ love u all ~ 


~University Pendidikan  Sultan Idris ~a new life to me 

1. I start my new life at here... a beautiful and large university i haven see before...especially the campus baru, so many block , dewan kuliah , kafeteria and big field~ 

2. Beside the campus baru, have a " banjaran terpanjang Malaysia" --- Banjaran TITIWANGSA ...the scenery so beautiful and the environment here is awesome ~  so cold 

3. Furthermore, everyday you will see the NEW PROTON CAR on the road, cause the campus baru at Proton City 

4. At Campus Lama, there got a big library, there got 4 aras and there got "million" of books. I'm so happy cause there got many books to refer when doing the assignments .....there also got a best system for the students to borrow books or booking books using the internet ...omg i already falling in love to u , library....

5. Nest , at Campus Lama, also got many building, old and new, and here just like a maze for me ...i will get lost... 

but thank you my BIG GOD, cause open a door for me to start my new life , and sorry cause before tat i angry and mad to u ~ ^^

Create a new LIFE

With a new blog, starting my new journey !