

Today i having my chemistry test. Yesterday night, i was busy to study the Chemistry and i feeling stress + panic, cause all the chemistry formula i haven't memorize yet....i cannot sleep well whole night....and today when i get the chemistry test paper, and i open it, omg ~ so easy ~ easy as ABC ~ i was so confident to finish my chemistry test!!!!!!!!!!

After the test, i wif my "girl" friends--- Mic , Melia, Mok, Xindy go to the PEKAN to take our lunch ~ After taking our lunch,  we window shopping ~ but in tis "group" i just the boy, so need to follow the GIRLs go to the shop tat sell shoes,bag and other else ~ (like following my MUM go to shopping...)

Next, i go to KTM to change my train tiket ...why ? cause i so miss home and having homesick now....so i change my tiket form 18 to 16/8 ~ can go back early ~ to having my holidays with my family and old friends ~ so nice ~ (dreaming....)

Plus ~ today i so tired ~ cause form 11am to 3 pm ~ i walk and walk and walk ~ omg ~ i lose my weight already !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

