

this page is special for a person,

He, 20 years old, Indian, because his Stpm result is not so good , so he come to the diploma... the first day, i meet him , he is so friendly,talkative, kind people... and he also like to share his story ~ especially the love story and Starbuck working experience~

He, like to say ~Amboi, my baby~ this is the short sentences he like to say, and he is good in motivate.....when he is here , he bring geng limau to lepak at the LONGKANG , and always having our dinner at cili padi 

He, got a Nokia phone, and have a free map to search , so he always search and say wan to bring us go where ~ go where~ 

He,  is good in chemistry and math , he got many idea , knowledge and information in his mind .... before tat i  say to the Big God ~ why a such good guy after his STPM ~ and just open the diploma door to him~ why ~

the God is coming to him ( JULAI 2nd week) ~ My son, sorry i'm late, tis is the window i open to u~ 

so lucky ~ he get degree in his favorite subject he like ~ 
but a bad day is coming to me ~ he leaving UPSI ~ 
i cry~ and tis day is unforgettable for me ~ bad Tuesday ~ 
a whole weeks ~ i cannot sleep well ~ because of u 

wish u having a nice life in yr UKM ~ ~ my Brother ~ Tamil ~ 

