
My Life~ i am not a rotten apple

A boy is born in a well off family ... 
His father not the high education person but he know that education can change the life in the further...So,the boy 3 year old already starting his education in the kindergarten...

The first day the boy step in the kindergarten, he saw one of the teacher that teaching Melay subject was scolding a child... the teacher was using a long white plastic cane to punish the child and until the plastic cane break but the teacher continues punish , the child's hand become red color...from that time the boy feel afraid     and cannot study well in the kindergarten...for example ... a simple Melay word he also cannot spell...
H-A-R-I-M-A-U ...and until primary school , the result for the Melay subject just like a shit....standard 5 fail 3times...

Teacher : "M-O-O-N --- Moon..." 
A small boy: " M-u-u-n..."
Teacher : " why you so stupid, just the easy word you also cannot pronounce well the word." 
The teacher getting angry and angry ...and scold the boy, pull the boy's ear, pull the boy's cheek...the boy was sad and cry when after the tuition...the boy start hate the teacher...hate the subject...and the result in the school exam become worse and worse...

After that , when the boy go to the primary school, the result from the good become the worse, in class his result  is the second counting from the back...OMG... plus his mother is the school teacher , so the teacher start laugh at the boy and say to the boy ..."Your mum is teacher, why you so stupid and like the pig ..." 
and my best friends start to ignore me,  the girls in the class start to laugh at me...
from that time, the boy say to himself" i am not the rotten apple ... i want be the smart be the best , although i am not the number one , but i want be the best ..."

That time~ That moment~ no game no TV...  the boy become more hardworking and start the war with himself ....

In the toilet, the boy start to learn how to pronounce the words will seeing the mirror...and everyday the boy is doing the tongue exercises...
In his room , he does his  homework, revision, reading  the story books...
In class, he concentrate and pay the full attention to the teacher when he or she is teaching...
 He start to learn the communicate skills and be friendly to all teacher and friends...

At standard six, the boy become the chairman of the prefect in the school and the boy getting the 4 A in his UPSR... but he is so sad cause other teacher's son and daughter get 7 A in the UPSR...haiz...

and in this boy's eyes, the 4A is the rotten apple cause he make shame to his mother ...sorry mum...

In the boy's primary school life... he got play squash... but he is the most fat in the squash group...
every times practices, the count will scold this boy why cannot run to hit the ball, when u wan keep fit ,when u ...every times practices every times cry... in the squash group everyone look down to this boy... 
the boy was feeling sad and  want to give up ... but he know that if he know give up , everyone still look down to him... so he start to watch how other play and record in the mind all the step...and every time in the match, the boy start using the skill and technique to play ...and in his secondary school he is success and become the wakil daerah...

In his secondary school, he do everything such as the project , he want be the best and get the high marks... Besides, he attend many competition and get the prizes... and there are many teachers good to this boy ~ like friend relationship~ when the boy or teacher facing each other...they talk to each other and give some advice to each other...In the other hand, there are people start ignore this boy and start talk something behind him... but he dun care... remember one time, because one of his friend misunderstand him and write all the bad things bad words in the black board in class, but he dun care ...hihi ~ from tat day he and his friend no talk to each other...'

In form 1 to form 3, hemeet all the good teachers ... the teacher teach me do not hard work but smart work...such as  doing the mind mapping, the way you can memorize all the point, the way u think and read....and this boy getting 6A in my PMR...hihi ~ 6/8 ~ for him is good already ~ 

form 4, his chemistry result is 44% ...is fail...omg ~ until now he also can remember... and his add math is 45% pass but beside fail...
he don't like math and science subjects...but he  know he got taking these subjects in SPM... and he need to love this subjects although he don't like it....i try my best...doing all revision...doing group study...all other else...and he get 5 post in the school ~ 2 chairman and 3 treasurer...

In SPM  he get 7A only ,  dun know this result consider good or bad... 
cause he apply many scholarship also cannot get...such as IPG, Matrik, almost the government scholarship cannot get...
but for the private, he receive so many like KDU, KBU, Taylor, Nilai, Utar , UniKL....they giving the 80% scholarship above ~ some is 100% 

but he dun wan , cause he just want to be a teacher, so he waiting for my IPG (maktab)...get interview but didn't get...from Jan wait until Jun ...all just a white paper... he heart broken,and he feel the god no open any door to him... the last choice is form 6 ... first  he get the science in form 6 , but he want change to kemanusiaan, the principal say cannot ... and say " your science and math is good, why don't study science in form 6 ?... 4 or 5 times he go to the school to change the principal of the school also dun wan sign for me... lastly she sign to me... and i study my Kemanusian one week later, he get Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, IPTA , he feel so happy and like getting the lottery ticket... and now he is so happy when he come here... although got little bit homesick...

Who say a rotten apple cannot be a fresh apple...
although i am the rotten apple but inside got the good seeds, just need the time to start a new life and  grow up ... and you will see on the trees there are many fresh apple...
so in this world... no rotten apple ... if your work hard and work smart...

and my lovely teachers and all my friends who wan be a teacher, please dun say your students stupid and like a pig...everyone have their own potential...nowadays, be a teacher just not talk and chalk , need to communicate with your students, and guide your students to the right ways... when a students ask you something dun just reply a short word only ~try your best to give more information, idea , opinion to your students... 

thank you ~ 

